Feather Windwalker Mental Health Coach
Lifting Your Emotional Burdens
Feather is a compassionate Life Coach helping people overcome Grief, Trauma and Emotional Pain. Feather empowers you to find your path out of suffering with NeuroSensory techniques, including Hypnosis, NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programing) and Havening.
Clear your Heart and Mind of Distress
Committed to seeking client-centered inner guidance, Feather’s techniques reveal paths for expanding your state of consciousness. Leading you toward self-discovery, healing, and personal transformation, naturally, without psychedelic mind-altering drugs.
Tending Your
Inner Guide
“Whoever travels without a guide needs two hundred years for a two-day journey.” RUMI



Personal transformation
Feather Wind Wisdom weaves modern neuroscience with healing insights of countless clans, tribes, and nations of indigenous people, throughout Mother Earth. Sacred visions, dreams, prayers, songs, wisdom, experience, and kind guidance form the foundation and living reality of the transformative process Feather offers you.
Offers & Opportunities
Reveal, Release, Recover and ReEmerge
Unpack your baggage and unfold your desires.

Explore Complimentary Opportunities
Register for this FREE DEMO for DIY Take-Away Tools.
This Brief Interactive LIVE Introduction to Feather Wind Wisdom shows you how to access to Your Brain’s natural pharmacy; a balm for calm.
Have Grief, Sadness & Despair hijacked Joy from your Life? Relief is in Reach!
New Circles forming January 2025
Supporting your content and delivery, Feather brings calm focus as a seasoned and adept facilitator, to any online event, conference, training, summit or retreat.
By generating delta waves, gentle guidance elevates your brain’s access to inner resources. Your natural pharmacy of neurochemicals is surprisingly accessible, without the use of psychoactive entheogens or psychedelics.

With Feather Wind Wisdom you Quickly become Free to Manifest the Life you most Desire.
Feather’s neuroscience informed coaching offers emotional alchemy at your fingertips. Manifest your most resilient health, free from emotional suffering with Feather as your guide.
Together you unpack, and leave behind, emotional baggage from your past to create your best future.

You are valued.”
Physicians of the Heart, by Wali ali Meyer, Bilal Hyde, Faisal Muqaddam & Shabda Kahn

Feather brings an intuitive blend of modalities gleaned from her personal journey. Each session is uniquely woven with her client focused listening, coaching, and neuroscience informed skills. Feather’s command of powerful, brief, and effective neurochemical alchemy rapidly dissolves suffering. Elevating the possibilities for living into your greatest values and desires.
Dedicated to life-long learning, Feather Windwalker is a human evolution visionary, curious about individual potential for growing edges. As a survivor herself she brings compassionate witness to self-discovery. After a lifetime of transcending adverse experiences, complex Grief & Loss, Feather is adept at liberating herself and her clients from intrusive and life-limiting thoughts, moods, and behaviors. Harnessing neuroplasticity with drug-free delta wave techniques Feather has accessed her own inner physician to evolve on her healing path, Feather Wind Wisdom.

“…I didn’t invent these techniques, I discovered how healing touch works. For eons healers have applied touch, sometimes using feathers….” Dr. Ronald Ruden, Havening Techniques® Founder, April 2018 Training.